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Tes Sidik Jari 1.0.6
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Aplikasi tes sidik jari untukmengetahui:- Dominasi Kepribadian Diri- Type Kecerdasan- Jurusan Kuliah- Penyakit mentalApplications fingerprinttests to determine:- Dominance Personality Self- Type Intelligence- Major- Mental illness
Tes Psikologi Kepribadian 1.2
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Tes Psikologi kepribadian adalah tes yangbertujuan untuk mengetahui Tipe Kepribadianmu.Soal tes terdiri atas 24 soal pilihan ganda.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Soal- Tes bisa di Share ke Facebook dan TwitterPsychology of personalitytests are tests that aimed to determine your personalitytype.About the test consists of 24 multiple choice questions.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Tests can Share to Facebook and Twitter
Tes Kepemimpinan 1.3
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Tes kepemimpinan adalah tes yang bertujuanuntuk mengetahui tingkat jiwa kepemimpinan Anda.Soal tes terdiri atas 23 soal pilihan ganda.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Soal- Tes bisa di Share ke Facebook dan TwitterLeadership test is a testthat aims to determine the level of your leadership.About the test consists of 23 multiple choice questions.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Tests can Share to Facebook and Twitter
Tes Mental Negatif 1.1.9
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Tes Mental Negatif adalah tes yang bertujuanuntuk mengetahui mental negatif dalam diri Anda.Soal tes terdiri atas 60 soal pilihan ganda. Jujurlah dalammenjawab soalnyaVer 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Soal- Tes bisa di Share ke Facebook dan TwitterNegative Mental test is atest that aims to understand mental negative in yourself.About the test consists of 60 multiple choice questions. Be honestin answering becauseVer 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Tests can Share to Facebook and Twitter
Intelligence Test 1.1
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Intelligence Type Test is a test that aims toidentify the type of intelligence according to eight Type Theory ofMultiple Intelligences: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Linguistic,Logical Mathematical, Visual Spatial, Musical and Naturalist.Test consists of 40 multiple choice questions.
Tes Kepribadian Dominan 3.1.9
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Aplikasi Tes Psikologi DominasiKepribadian.Terdiri atas 12 Pertanyaan untuk mengurutkan skala prioritas.Hasil tes akan langsung bisa dilihat dan didownload.Ver 1.1- First Release- Tombol Share to Facebook dan Twitter- Tombol Download Hasil Tes- Free Version with ads.Ver 2.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionVer 3.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionPersonality PsychologyTest Application Domination.Consisting of 12 questions to sort priorities.The test results will immediately be seen and downloaded.ver 1.1- First Release- Button Share to Facebook and Twitter- Button Download Test Results- Free Version with ads.ver 2.1- Fix some bugs- Update Questionver 3.1- Fix some bugs- Update Question
Tes Type Kecerdasan 3.1.9
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Tes Type Kecerdasan adalah tes yang bertujuanuntuk mengetahui jenis kecerdasan menurut Teori 8 Type MultipleIntelligences: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Linguistik, LogisMatematik, Visual Spasial, Musikal dan Naturalis.Soal tes terdiri atas 40 soal pilihan ganda.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Soal- Tes bisa di Share ke Facebook dan TwitterVer 2.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionVer 3.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionType intelligence test isa test that aims to identify the type of intelligence by 8 TypeTheory of Multiple Intelligences: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal,Linguistic, Logical Mathematics, Visual Spatial, Musical andNaturalis.About the test consists of 40 multiple choice questions.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Tests can Share to Facebook and Twitterver 2.1- Fix some bugs- Update Questionver 3.1- Fix some bugs- Update Question
Tes Tanggung Jawab 1.3
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Tes tanggung jawab adalah tes yang bertujuanuntuk mengetahui tingkat rasa bertanggung jawab Anda.Soal tes terdiri atas 25 soal pilihan ganda.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Soal- Tes bisa di Share ke Facebook dan TwitterThe test is a test ofresponsibility that aims to determine the level of your sense ofresponsibility.About the test consists of 25 multiple choice questions.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Tests can Share to Facebook and Twitter
Tes Galau 3.1.8
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Tes galau adalah tes yang bertujuan untukmengetahui tingkat kegalauan yang Anda rasakan.Soal tes terdiri atas 25 soal pilihan ganda.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Soal- Tes bisa di Share ke Facebook dan TwitterVer 2.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionVer 3.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionGalau test is a test thataims to determine the level of turmoil you feel.About the test consists of 25 multiple choice questions.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Tests can Share to Facebook and Twitterver 2.1- Fix some bugs- Update Questionver 3.1- Fix some bugs- Update Question
Tes Jurusan Kuliah 3.1.8
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Tes Jurusan Kuliah adalah tes yang bertujuanuntuk membantu lulusan siswa SMA untuk menentukan jurusan kuliahyang sesuai dengan kepribadian, bakat dan minatnya. Tes iniSoal tes terdiri atas 42 soal pilihan ganda.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Soal- Tes bisa di Share ke Facebook dan TwitterVer 2.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionVer 3.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionSubject test is a testthat aims to help graduates high school students to determineappropriate subject to the personality, talents and interests.These testsAbout the test consists of 42 multiple choice questions.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Tests can Share to Facebook and Twitterver 2.1- Fix some bugs- Update Questionver 3.1- Fix some bugs- Update Question
Tes Kepercayaan Diri 3.2.0
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Tes Kepercayaan Diri (10 Type Core Belief)adalah psikotes yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tipe-tipe sumberkepercayaan diri seseorang dalam lingkungannya. Soal tes terdiriatas 50 soal pilihan ganda.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Soal- Hasil Tes bisa di Share ke Facebook dan TwitterVer 2.1:- Fix some bug- Update QuestionVer 3.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionTests Confidence (10 TypeCore Belief) is a psychological test that aims to identify thetypes of resources one's confidence in its environment. About thetest consists of 50 multiple choice questions.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Test results can Share to Facebook and TwitterVer 2.1:- Fix some bugs- Update Questionver 3.1- Fix some bugs- Update Question
Tes Tingkat Kesabaran 3.1.8
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Tes Kesabaran adalah tes yang bertujuan untukmengetahui tingkat kesabaran yang Anda rasakan.Soal tes terdiri atas 15 soal pilihan ganda.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Soal- Tes bisa di Share ke Facebook dan TwitterVer 2.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionVer 3.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionPatience test is a testthat aims to determine the level of patience that you feel.About the test consists of 15 multiple choice questions.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Tests can Share to Facebook and Twitterver 2.1- Fix some bugs- Update Questionver 3.1- Fix some bugs- Update Question
Tes IQ & Tes Psikologi MEI 2016
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Tes IQ & Kepribadian Superlink ID adalahaplikasi android untuk mengetes sifat, kepribadian dan IQanda.Aplikasi ini terdapat puluhan tes-tes psikologi dan kepribadianyang terus di update setiap minggunya.Berikut ini daftar tes psikologinya:=============Tes Kepribadian, meliputi:Tes Kepribadian MBTI, Tes Kesabaran, Tes Kejujuran, Tes DominasiDiri, Tes Kepercayaan Diri, Tes Mental Negatif, Tes DISC, TesArchetype,Tes Enneagram.=============Tes Akademik, meliputi:Tes Jurusan Kuliah, Tes Gaya Belajar, Tes Tipe Kecerdasan, Tes ButaWarna (Ishihara), Tes IQ (Tebak Gambar), Tes Rencana MasaDepan.=============Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA), meliputi:Tes Verbal.=============Tes Pekerjaan, meliputi:Tes Tipe Pekerjaan, Tes Tanggung Jawab, Tes Kepemimpinan, TesPersonality Plus, Tes Archetype.=============Tes Percintaan, meliputi:Tes Galau, Tes Jatuh Cinta, Tes Gagal Move-on, Tes Tipe Pasangan,Tes Kepopuleran, Tes Romantis, Tes Kegenitan, Tes Kedewasaan, TesPersahabatan.=============Game Asah Otak, meliputi:Tes Analisa Sidik Jari, Game Connect Line, Game Maze Labyrinth,Game Pingpong Color.=============Coming Soon:Tes Ujian Nasional (UAN) SD, SMP, SMA, Tes TOEFL, Tes TOEIC, TesIELTS, Tes Psikotes.=============IQ tests &Personality Superlink ID is an android application to test thenature, personality and your IQ.These applications are dozens of psychological tests andpersonality continue to be updated every week.Here is a list of psychological tests:=============Personality tests, include:MBTI personality test, test Patience, Honesty Test, Test YourselfDomination, Confidence Test, Negative Mental test, DISC test, testarchetype, Enneagram test.=============Academic test, includes:Test Subject, Learning Style Test, Test Type Intelligence, ColorBlind Test (Ishihara), IQ tests (Guess the Picture), Test Plan forthe Future.=============Academic Potential Test (TPA), includes:Verbal tests.=============Employment tests, include:Job Type Tests, Tests Responsibility, Leadership Test, PersonalityPlus test, test archetype.=============Love test, includes:Tests of worries, Love Test, Test Failed Move-on, test pair mode,the test's popularity, tests Romantic, Promiscuity Test, TestMaturity, Tests Friendship.=============Brain Games, include:Tests Fingerprint Analysis, Game Connect Line, Labyrinth Maze Game,Game Pingpong Color.=============Coming Soon:Tests National Examination (UAN) elementary, junior high, highschool, TOEFL, TOEIC test, IELTS, test Psikotes.=============
Fingerprint Test 1.0.1
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Application fingerprint test to findout:- Dominance of Personality- Type Intelligence- College Major- Negative Mental Disorder
Tes Kejujuran 3.1.9
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Tes Kejujuran adalah tes yang bertujuan untukmengetahui tingkat kejujuran Anda.Soal tes terdiri atas 15 soal pilihan ganda. Jujurlah dalammenjawab soalnyaVer 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Soal- Tes bisa di Share ke Facebook dan TwitterVer 2.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionVer 3.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionHonesty test is a testthat aims to determine the level of your honesty.About the test consists of 15 multiple choice questions. Be honestin answering becauseVer 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Tests can Share to Facebook and Twitterver 2.1- Fix some bugs- Update Questionver 3.1- Fix some bugs- Update Question
Tes Jatuh Cinta 1.1
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Tes Jatuh Cinta adalah tes yang bertujuanuntuk mengetahui tingkat persentase jatuh cinta Anda terhadap siDia.Soal tes terdiri atas 15 soal pilihan ganda. Jujurlah dalammenjawab soalnya.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Soal- Tes bisa di Share ke Facebook dan TwitterLove Test is a test thataims to determine the level of the percentage fall in love with youagainst the He.About the test consists of 15 multiple choice questions. Be honestin answering the problem.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Tests can Share to Facebook and Twitter
Tes Gaya Belajar 3.2.0
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Tes Gaya Belajar adalah tes yang bertujuanuntuk mengetahui tipe-tipe gaya belajar: Visual, audio, kinestetikdan taktil. Soal tes terdiri atas 25 soal pilihan ganda.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Soal- Hasil Tes bisa di Share ke Facebook dan Twitter- Hasil tes bisa didownload dalam bentuk PDFVer2.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionVer 3.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionLearning Style Test is atest that aims to identify the types of learning styles: visual,audio, kinesthetic and tactile. About the test consists of 25multiple choice questions.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Test results can Share to Facebook and Twitter- The test results can be downloaded in PDF formVer2.1- Fix some bugs- Update Questionver 3.1- Fix some bugs- Update Question
Tes Gagal Move On 1.1
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Tes Gagal Move On adalah tes yang bertujuanuntuk mengetahui tingkat persentase Move-On Anda terhadap siDia.Soal tes terdiri atas 20 soal pilihan ganda. Jujurlah dalammenjawab soalnya.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Soal- Tes bisa di Share ke Facebook dan TwitterMove On Failed tests aretests that aimed to determine the percentage level Move-On youagainst the He.About the test consists of 20 multiple choice questions. Be honestin answering the problem.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Tests can Share to Facebook and Twitter
Learning Style Test 3.1.7
Superlink ID
Learning Style Test is a test that aimstoidentify the types of learning styles: Visual, audio,kinestheticand tactile. Test consists of 25 multiple choicequestions.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Test can be Share to Facebook and TwitterVer 2.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionVer 3.1- Fix some bug- Update QuestionLearning Style Test isatest that aims to identify the types of learning styles:visual,audio, kinesthetic and tactile. Test consists of 25 multiplechoicequestions.Ver 1.1:- First Release- New Concept and Instrument Problem- Test can be Share to Facebook and Twitterver 2.1- Fix some bugs- Update Questionver 3.1- Fix some bugs- Update Question
Garis Tangan 1.0
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Tes Kepribadian Berdasarkan GarisTangan.Personality TestsBasedHand Line.
Personality Test 1.1.1
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Personality Test is a test that aimstoidentify the type of personality.Test consists of 12 questions.
Personality & IQ Test FEB
Superlink ID
IQ Tests & Personality Superlink ID isanandroid application to test the nature, personality andyourIQ.These applications are dozens of psychological tests andpersonalitycontinue to be updated every week.Here is a list of psychological tests:=============Personality Tests, include:MBTI Personality Test, Test Patience, Honesty Test, TestYourselfDomination, Core Beliefe Test, Negative Mental Test, DISCTest,Test Archetype, etc.=============Academic Test, includes:Test Subject, Learning Style Test, Test Type Intelligence,ColorBlind Test (Ishihara).=============Academic Potential Test (TPA), includes:Verbal tests.=============Employment tests, include:Job Type Tests, Tests Responsibility, Leadership tests,testsPersonality Plus.=============Love test, includes:Tests of worries, Love Test, Test Failed Move-on, testPairmode.=============Brain Games, include:Tests Fingerprint Analysis, Game Connect Line=============Selection tests CPNS=============
Tipe Bibir - Lips Personality 1.0
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Tes Psikologi Bentuk Bibir -LipsPersonalityCara Mengetahui Kepribadian dari Bentuk BibirnyaPsychological testsFormColour - Lips PersonalityHow to Know the Personality of Form lips
Tes IQ & Tes Psikologi Pro MEI
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Tes IQ & Kepribadian Superlink ID adalahaplikasi android untuk mengetes sifat, kepribadian dan IQanda.Aplikasi ini terdapat puluhan tes-tes psikologi dan kepribadianyang terus di update setiap minggunya.Berikut ini daftar tes psikologinya:=============Tes Kepribadian, meliputi:Tes Kepribadian MBTI, Tes Kesabaran, Tes Kejujuran, Tes DominasiDiri, Tes Kepercayaan Diri, Tes Mental Negatif, Tes DISC, TesArchetype,Tes Enneagram.=============Tes Akademik, meliputi:Tes Jurusan Kuliah, Tes Gaya Belajar, Tes Tipe Kecerdasan, Tes ButaWarna (Ishihara), Tes IQ (Tebak Gambar), Tes Rencana MasaDepan.=============Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA), meliputi:Tes Verbal.=============Tes Pekerjaan, meliputi:Tes Tipe Pekerjaan, Tes Tanggung Jawab, Tes Kepemimpinan, TesPersonality Plus, Tes Archetype.=============Tes Percintaan, meliputi:Tes Galau, Tes Jatuh Cinta, Tes Gagal Move-on, Tes Tipe Pasangan,Tes Kepopuleran, Tes Romantis, Tes Kegenitan, Tes Kedewasaan, TesPersahabatan.=============Game Asah Otak, meliputi:Tes Analisa Sidik Jari, Game Connect Line, Game Maze Labyrinth,Game Pingpong Color.=============Coming Soon:Tes Ujian Nasional (UAN) SD, SMP, SMA, Tes TOEFL, Tes TOEIC, TesIELTS, Tes Psikotes.=============IQ tests &Personality Superlink ID is an android application to test thenature, personality and your IQ.These applications are dozens of psychological tests andpersonality continue to be updated every week.Here is a list of psychological tests:=============Personality tests, include:MBTI personality test, test Patience, Honesty Test, Test YourselfDomination, Confidence Test, Negative Mental test, DISC test, testarchetype, Enneagram test.=============Academic test, includes:Test Subject, Learning Style Test, Test Type Intelligence, ColorBlind Test (Ishihara), IQ tests (Guess the Picture), Test Plan forthe Future.=============Academic Potential Test (TPA), includes:Verbal tests.=============Employment tests, include:Job Type Tests, Tests Responsibility, Leadership Test, PersonalityPlus test, test archetype.=============Love test, includes:Tests of worries, Love Test, Test Failed Move-on, test pair mode,the test's popularity, tests Romantic, Promiscuity Test, TestMaturity, Tests Friendship.=============Brain Games, include:Tests Fingerprint Analysis, Game Connect Line, Labyrinth Maze Game,Game Pingpong Color.=============Coming Soon:Tests National Examination (UAN) elementary, junior high, highschool, TOEFL, TOEIC test, IELTS, test Psikotes.=============
Tes Sidik Jari NOV16
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Tes Sidik Jari adalah aplikasi untukmengetahuikepribadian melalui 10 pola jari di tangan.Aplikasi ini bisa mengetahui:1. Kecerdasan Majemuk / Multiple Intelligence2. Kecerdasan Emosi3. Gaya Belajar4. Kepribadian DiriFingerprint Test isanapplication to know the personality through 10 patterns offingerson a hand.This application can know:1. Multiple Intelligences / Multiple Intelligence2. Emotional Intelligence3. Learning Styles4. Personality Self